Thursday, May 23, 2019

"I AM" Positivity, Productivity, and Creativity

Although my new book is entitled, "I AM" Imagination, Action, Memorization - The Way to your Absolute Best, a positive attitude, productivity, and creativity also work in concert towards manifesting your dreams.

Come join me on 1st Thursday, June 6th, at 6:00 PM at the Personal Best Studio in San Pedro and get your copy of my new book signed!  Go online and get yours TODAY, bring it with you when you come and get ready to do some of the processes I layout in the book to help you make your dreams come true.

"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."  Napoleon Hill.

My book speaks to this quote within its pages.  I share processes and exercises on how to create a positive attitude, set, act on and track your goals.  And finally, how to develop the necessary discipline to fulfill your loftiest aspirations.

All of these exercises are meant to be experiential so you can lock into the feelings and emotions that trigger your winning spirit.  Of course, you will run up against interference along the road to success, whether your goals are weight-loss, financial freedom or improved relationships.  The journey is always a process, and how we balance and manage the circumstances we face along the way is what makes or breaks our spirits. 

My business, Absolute Best, is about taking a holistic approach to your health and wellness.  This is your life we are talking about here.  Your body needs to be finely tuned, strong and flexible to be able to withstand the pitfalls that are sure to show up along the way.  Your attitude must be positive, your mind must be sharp and there must be an open port to your connection to Source Energy.  Connectivity to a Universal Power is the secret to developing your gifts and talents to their fullest potential.

Once you begin the business of taking your life seriously, you recognize the need to show up for it 100% as your true and authentic self.   It is then that the keys to success will be handed to you by the Universe itself.  All things begin to align and you begin to reap the rewards of the commitment you have put forth into your work, relationships and personal health.  You begin to realize the rich flow of abundance that already surrounds you, and you begin to live in gratitude.  You come into your true power with grace.

I look forward to seeing you on 1st Thursday, June 6th, at 6:00 PM at our studio.
We're located at 643 W 6th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 548-5984
Bring loose clothing, a journal, and a pen.  And don't forget to bring a copy of my book!
"I AM" Imagination, Action, Memorization - The Way to your Absolute Best.
Get ready to live the life of your dreams.
Peace, Love, Namaste,

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