Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

What is a mother?  Someone who brings life forth onto this world.  A co-creator with the Great Intelligence who generates its energy through her and bears its fruits upon the world.

I thought of my Mom a lot today as I enjoyed the company of my husband, my children, and my grandkids.  How grateful I am that she taught me about love, compassion, and gratitude.  Those values have passed down through three generations.  They have made the sleepless nights, loving moments, tears and the grief worthwhile.

If your mother has passed to the great beyond, know she is everpresent within and all around you.  She protects and guides your every step.  She lifts you when you fall, holds you when you falter and gently clears the way for your unfolding.

A mother's love never quits.  There is no stronger bond than that of a mother and child.  May peace be with you and your loved ones on this blessed day.  Honor your mother and father and give thanks to the Great Intelligence for creating the love between them to create that special person that is you.

Your Mother and Great Mother Earth are to be cherished, attended to and cared for.  They nurture and love us unconditionally, we owe them respect and unending devotion.

Peace, Love, Namaste



  1. Love you dear Clarita. That's a beautiful message you written today and you will see I have brought you into our United Sisters. I expect you're going to get a lot more attention on your blog. We're not doing the ACA work anymore other it's gone on to music and dancing and having a wild yogic summer and spring. Big love to you my dear

  2. Happy Mothers' Day, Clara.
    Tammy Stein
